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Cooking on the Weekends with Valentina

Cooking on the Weekends with Valentina is a fabulous recipe site if you love wholesome, natural and delicious dishes. Her photos always leave me salivating!

cooking on the weekends with Valentina
courtesy of Valentina at Cooking on the Weekends

With so many food blogs online and new ones popping up everyday, sometimes it’s hard to sift through them all to find a true, honest to goodness, quality food site.

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Are you looking for someone who is posting whole food recipes which have actually been made with their own hands?

Hatch pineapple turkey burger
Courtesy of Cooking on the Weekends

Someone who is also so skilled in their craft and photography, that you just want to run to your kitchen to make whatever has been posted that day?

cucumber dill canape
Photo courtesy of Cooking on the Weekends

Well, let me do you a favor and tell you that I’ll save you some sifting through loads of mediocre sites online. Just go to my friend Valentina’s site, Cooking on the Weekends, and you’ll see what I mean.

cooking on the weekends with Valentina
courtesy of Valentina at Cooking on the Weekends

Cooking on the Weekends with Valentina

Valentina describes her blog as “cooking creative, comforting food for casual entertaining.” However, I’ll tell you, it’s so much more than that!  I am constantly in awe of her talents (check out her photos.)

Hot water cornbread
Hot water cornbread Courtesy of Cooking on the Weekends

I do not know how she cranks out so many delicious recipes, while also wearing many other hats. (She’s a mom of two young boys. That’s an overtime job in itself!)

Here is an example of one of her delicious dishes~

hazelnut crusted chicken photo
Courtesy of Cooking on the Weekends

Lastly, you won’t just find Valentina posting on her blog because she’s a contributor to many other sites, like PopSugar, and has had her recipes featured in the Huffington Post, The Kitchn and PBS Food, just to name a few.

spicy asian salad
Courtesy of Cooking on the Weekends

You can also find Cooking on the Weekends with Valentina on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest (links on her site) and tell her Christina sent you!

Mud pie with espresso chocolate sauce by Cooking on the Weekends
Mud pie with espresso chocolate sauce by Cooking on the Weekends

A Post About Commenting from a Blogger’s Perspective

Commenting on food blogs and social media

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cooking on the weekends with Valentina

Blooming Jacaranda trees lining a street in Glendale.

Christina’s Cucina is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associate Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

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  1. Dear Christina, Thank you for sharing Valentina’s site. Her site looks so interesting, I will have to check it out and I won’t forget to tell her that you sent me…I love those purple trees (Jacaranda) lining up in Glendale. That is a sight to see. Thanks ..Have a great week ahead. Dottie :)

    1. I’m so happy you’ll go to check out her blog, Dottie, as I know you’ll love it! Thank you, the trees really are incredible and hard to capture all their glory in photos!

  2. I agree 100% with Christina, Valentina’s site is a ‘go to’ site. Plus she creates a ton of vegetarian recipes that I can send along to my niece.

  3. Christina, thank you SO MUCH for this. You are so, so kind, and I’m just so flattered that you thought to share my site with your readers. Christina’s Cucina is one of my favorite foodie spots to visit, as well. I’m smiling ear to ear. :-D xoxo

  4. I concur. I am in awe of Valentina’s many talents and prolificness. Her taste in food is very similar to mine, and hers is one of my go-to blogs for great recipes!