Home » TRAVEL » The Truly Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni in Bellagio on Lake Como – Worth the Top Spot on Your Bucket List!

The Truly Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni in Bellagio on Lake Como – Worth the Top Spot on Your Bucket List!

The Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni on Lake Como in Bellagio is quite easily one of the world’s most stunning and exquisite hotels. One simply must experience being on this property in order to fully understand what it is that makes the hotel so magical. The palatial surroundings only add to the warm and welcoming staff who make you feel at home.

The elegant Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni on Lake Como

My mother and I were on our way to The Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni, but my she had no clue where we were heading.

We arrived in Bellagio by ferry with our rental car, courtesy of Auto Europe. The previous day, we had been in Germany and had driven from the Black Forest to Porlezza, via Lago Maggiore.

Disclosure: my car rental was sponsored by Auto Europe and travel insurance by Travelex, both brands I have used and loved in the past. We were hosted by the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni for a one night stay with breakfast. All opinions are always my own.

Driving to the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

I had decided to surprise my mother, and had not told her that we were going to Bellagio, or that we would be staying at The Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni! We were the first ones off the ferry and it was a very short drive through the tiny streets of Bellagio to navigate to the hotel.

Driving through the streets of Bellagio

Don’t worry, this is a one way street, and everyone drives very slowly as there are many pedestrians. One of the biggest differences between the US and Europe are the old villages and streets. Besides a few places on the east coast, most of modern America has very wide streets to accommodate larger vehicles. In contrast, ancient European builders did not account for an invention that was to be realized many centuries into the future.

Driving through the streets of Bellagio

Arriving at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

We pulled into the drive for the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni (GHVS) and were greeted immediately by the valet. We could already see that the hotel was an architectural gem with its scalloped frieze and arched details around the windows.

Arriving at the entrance to Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni on Lake Como

Before I begin to show you our room and the hotel, it is important to note some details about the history and current owners of the Villa. You know how I love to support companies and people who have values of quality, attention to detail and a passion for their business, just as I do? Well, the Grand Hotel is a family-run establishment, in fact, the Bucher family still lives here, and it was evident that meeting and exceeding their guests’ expectations is their ultimate goal.

“In 1872 the villa, which is in pure neo-classical style, was sold and since then it has formed the central nucleus of the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni which was opened in 1873.”  Read more on the hotel site below.

Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni aerial view
photo courtesy of the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Entry of the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Views from our Room

We checked in and were shown to our room which faced Lake Como. We had three windows with three views! I have always loved Condé Nast Traveler’s “room with a view” feature, and all three views were CN Traveler material.

view from our room at the Grand Hotel looking onto the entrance area of the hotel

view onto Lake Como from our room at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

view onto Lake Como from our room at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

I think I should warn you at this point: if you subscribe to my posts, you’ll know that I share a lot of photos, and my travel posts tend to be on the longer side due to the fact that I want to share everything with you. However, the number of photos I took while staying at the GHVS is, well–crazy.

There were so many incredible views and so much I wanted to show you, that it’s just impossible to add them all here, although I’m still sharing a lot! I apologize in advance for the length of this post! It’s difficult for me to narrow down the photos, but do visit the hotel’s own website which has a gorgeous gallery of pictures (link at the bottom of this post).

Rooms at the Grand Hotel

The Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni has rooms which are all unique. They are decorated with family pieces and furniture which have been passed down through three generations. In fact, this is the case throughout the entire hotel. It felt as though a museum, a palace, and a family home had magically melded to create the grand hotel’s welcoming atmosphere and stunning accommodations.

We entered through a large sitting room before going into the bedroom; pure luxury surrounded us with high ceilings, gorgeous wallpaper and opulent, yet classy decor.

Room at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

The bathroom was surfaced in white marble and was so spacious and elegant, I could have spent all day relaxing in the tub, but there was so much to see and do (and eat)!

Bathroom at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

The toiletries were packaged and displayed so beautifully, it seemed a pity to open them.

Colorful toiletries from the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

All the beds in the hotel have a unique, decorative quilt; they reminded us of floating beds for pools, but apparently we weren’t the only ones to think this. Still, they were a lovely decorative addition to the rooms.

duvets in Italy on beds at the hotel

A few minutes after the bellboy left, he returned with a bottle of sparkling Italian wine, strawberries and a welcome note–what a lovely surprise!

Strawberries and sparkling Italian wine!

We decided to have lunch before popping open the bottle of Franciacorta vino. This is essentially the  Italian version of Champagne. Mum and I admired all the details of the hallways on the way down to the more casual of the two restaurants, La Goletta. Can you believe that these are just the hallways?

collage of hallways and decor at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

La Goletta

La Goletta is located near the pool, with views of palm trees and Lake Como beyond. The à la carte menu had plenty of choices so that there was something for everyone, yet wasn’t overwhelming by any means. We were seated on the terrace and placed our order. A basket of fabulous bread arrived shortly with really good quality extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar which we ate as we waited for our meal, even though I had ordered focaccia!

Bread at lunch at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni
Who could resist this?

It did take quite a long time for our food to arrive, but it was worth the wait. The focaccia I had chosen was filled with burrata cheese and topped with Prosciutto di Parma. I honestly had never seen anything like this and didn’t think that this would be something would be served anywhere in Italy, but it was so wonderful, I now want to make it at home! Update 3/13/2017 I DID make it at home–here’s the recipe for burrata and prosciutto focaccia!

Burrata and Prosciutto Focaccia at The Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Burrata and Prosciutto Focaccia at The Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Mum had a difficult time deciding, but ultimately chose “I maccheroni fatti in casa con broccoli, olive, capperi, pomodori secchi” which translates to, “homemade macaroni (or pasta) with broccoli, olives, capers and dried tomatoes. We were a bit surprised that normal broccoli was used, as usually it’s rapini-type broccoli which is the norm in Italy, but it was very good all the same.

Homemade pasta with broccoli, olives, capers and dried tomatoes.

La Goletta Restaurant collage

Exploring the Property

After lunch, we took a walk around the pool at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni, and its gorgeous gardens (there’s also an indoor pool).

Pool at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Mum and I were amazed to see that the hotel even has its own sandy beach! May I please just live here?

Sandy beach at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Pool at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni
La Goletta restaurant is just below the balustrade and awnings.

collage of the gardens at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Mum and I headed back up to our room for a glass of bubbly before venturing into the town of Bellagio, which is literally just outside the the front gate of the hotel.

You may remember me explaining about the different specifications that the Italian government issues on different food and drink on my agriturismo post? The DOCG label is a mark of quality, ensuring that this Franciacorta sparkling is was top quality. It was a deliciously bubbly, afternoon tipple!

Franciacorta sparkling wine  with views of Lake Como

On the way out, we met the hotel manager, Mr. Antonio Calzolaro, who offered to give us a tour of the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni, which we were happy to take. He was very jovial with a great sense of humor, but we were happy to learn that his English was much better than our Italian, so we switched to speaking English for the rest of our conversation!

A Tour of the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Mr. Calzolaro explained that the hotel originally was built in 1850 as a holiday villa for a wealthy family from Milano, but it was sold due to financial difficulties and opened as a hotel in 1873. It has been in the Bucher family for three generations. You can read about the history of the grand hotel on their website, but the period furnishings, frescoes, French-style wall-coverings, Persian rugs and Murano glass chandeliers are much more stunning in person. This is especially true when placed in such an architectural gem such as the GHVS.

coffered ceiling Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni on Lake Como
Just look at that coffered ceiling!

living room in Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni on Lake Como

Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni on Lake Como It’s not a museum, you can actually sit here.

Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni on Lake Como

Mr. Calzolaro told us about movies that have been filmed at the hotel, or nearby such as Bobby Deerfield (with Al Pacino), Star Wars and Casino Royale. Many celebrities, notable people and past presidents have also stayed at the Grand Hotel; we certainly could see why.

Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Photos of famous guests at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni
Famous guests such as JFK and Mrs. Clementine (Winston) Churchill.

Walking in Bellagio

We really enjoyed our hotel tour with Mr. Calzolaro. It was then time to explore Bellagio and to have a wander in those famous streets and passageways.

Passageway in Bellagio

Bellagio, Italy

And look at this–I matched this Vespa perfectly–right down to the tan seat!

Christina matching a Vespa in Bellagio!

A gelato was a requirement that day, and it tasted as good as it looked.

Gelato in Bellagio!

Mum practically pushed me to keep walking as we went past this window of Italian candies! How did she find out about my sweet tooth?

Candies in Bellagio

The Terrace at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

We walked back to the hotel and relaxed on the terrace overlooking Lake Como where other guests were enjoying a drink, reading or just enjoying the view.

Terrace at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Terrace view at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni


View from the terrace at Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni
A view from the terrace.
View from the terrace at Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni
A view from the terrace.

Now do you understand what I was saying about too many beautiful views, everywhere I turned? Here is one more I just have to share–how awesome is this?

Bar service bell at Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Mum pulled me away from this one, too (just kidding), as it was time for a brief meeting with Michelin star Chef Ettore Bocchia, the executive chef for Mistral restaurant. After speaking to him, we couldn’t wait to eat dinner that night. Chef Bocchia introduced the first molecular cuisine menu in Italy and is the creator of many new techniques in the kitchen.

When we went up to our room, I managed to get a sunset photo from our window, just as the sun was falling behind the mountain across the lake. So much beauty in a short time was absolutely awe-inspiring.

Sunset on Lake Como from the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Dinner at Mistral Ristorante

My brother, Tony, had told me before I left on this trip, to take Mum out for a really nice dinner somewhere. I couldn’t think of any place that fit the bill, better than Mistral Ristorante. The view from our table was magnificent, especially with the colors from the sunset still hanging in the cloudy sky.

Sunset at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Our sommelier, Emanuele helped us to choose a lovely wine to go with our pasta dishes.

Wine and bread at the Grand Hotel Villa SerbelloniThere were so many appealing appetizers to choose from, but we’d really eaten a lot at lunch (and I had gelato) so we went right to the main course. Mum chose homemade gnocchetti sardi with cinghiale (wild boar) and carciofi (artichokes), and I went the classic route and ordered the spaghettoro con pomodoro fresco, cipolloto e basilico (gold drawn spaghetti with onions and basil) which was made tableside.

Here is Daniele making my dinner for me. You can click on the photo to see a video of him in action.

Daniele making my spaghetti at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

One thing I loved about many of the staff is that they had a sense of humor. The waiter who brought out my mother’s entree told her, “Don’t touch! It’s a surprise!” which is why she is laughing in the first photo below.

Mum's gnocchetti sardi at Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

The staff timed our meals to be served at the same time; Daniele finished my pasta and served it when my mother’s gnocchetti arrived. Ta dah!

Spaghetti at the Mistral restaurant in Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

This has to be one of the most beautiful settings in the world, and with the pasta and wine–sublime.

Pasta and wine at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

The pasta also tasted sublime, with the best quality, freshest ingredients and served hot off the pan–absolutely superb. Can you tell I was happy?

Christina Conte (Christina's Cucina) at Mistral, Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni, Italy

A dinner to remember, forever. Thank you, Tony and Annie!

Christina Conte (Christina's Cucina) and her mother at Mistral, Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni, Italy

We just couldn’t pass up dessert and the tiramisu came highly recommended. Although I’m not of a fan of  “deconstructed” dishes, I’ve reconsidered classifying them all into one group, as I had the best tiramisù I’ve ever tasted at Mistral, and it just so happened to be, “deconstructed”.  Paired with a sweet dessert wine, I wanted every bite to last forever. I’m sure it was due to the impeccable choice of top quality ingredients.

Deconstructed Tiramisu at Mistral

We were served a little tiered tray of sweet bites after our dessert, and they were all very enticing and delicious.

Sweet tray at Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

We were intrigued by what was happening at the table next to ours and realized it was the molecular ice cream making with liquid nitrogen! Click the photo for a video clip.

Using liquid nitrogen to make ice cream.

The restaurant manager, Carlo, came to speak to us to make sure everything was satisfactory at the end of our meal and we assured him that it was a superb dinner with impeccable service, too. We had a lovely chat with him and learned that he began working at the hotel in 1985, which I believe says a lot about the owners of the hotel and the way it is run. Carlo ordered limoncello for us which was a perfect ending to a phenomenal meal.

Limoncello at Mistral restaurant

Caffè Concerto Strauss, a piano trio played during our dinner, in fact, I don’t recall them taking a break together; their classical music added so much to the atmosphere that evening.

Piano trio at Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

We returned to our room, but my eye latched onto a beautiful purple handbag in a display, along with other accessories. Mum and I decided we’d visit the Arte e Moda shop in the morning, which was right across the street from the hotel. (See below.)

Display in Hotel

I popped outside to take a walk in the garden as I wanted to experience the hotel grounds at night. Simply spectacular is not an exaggeration in the least, with the peacefulness of the location, the cool night air and the lights twinkling across the lake from Griante–it was magical.

Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni at night

The beds and pillows were so comfortable, both my mother and I slept like babies. I remember waking up, opening my eyes to see the high ceilings and drapes and thinking to myself, “This must be how royalty wakes up”! I got up and threw open the windows and absorbed as much of the scenery, smells and sounds as possible. Can you imagine waking up to this? (Click on the photo.)

View of Lake Como from Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Breakfast at GHVS

Our plan for that day was to have breakfast, visit the handbag shop, then begin our drive to Zurich, Switzerland. Breakfast at the hotel is included with the room, and just seeing where breakfast is served is an experience in itself. It was more like an elegant ballroom than a breakfast room!

Breakfast room entry.

Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni's breakfast room

Look at the exquisite detail in this ceiling!

Ceiling in the breakfast room at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

As expected, the offerings were all top quality and so flavorful. The freshly squeezed juices were fantastic, and the stunning floral arrangement was the crowning glory to the buffet table. The selection was marvelous! Eggs are available if you want them. A soft-boiled egg isn’t an issue, scrambled, or fried, as well.

In addition to the egg, bacon and sausage type breakfast, you can choose to go the Italian route with pastries or even cheeses, ham, cured meats, and tomatoes. There isn’t a chance that someone could complain about the lack of variety in this outstanding buffet.

Breakfast at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Arte e Moda Shop

After breakfast, we walked across the street to Arte e Moda, the handbag and accessory shop owned by Pierangelo Masciadri. He explained that he was the designer and showed us a display cabinet. In it there were articles and photos of past US presidents wearing his ties, and letters from them thanking him. Pierangelo’s creations are inspired by mythology and Italian history, which I loved.

My mother wanted me to choose a handbag for my upcoming “big” birthday. We learned how many of Pierangelo’s handbags have a zip-off top flap which can be replaced with another, resulting in a different look without purchasing another bag! Genius! Pierangelo was very genuine and friendly and we had a lovely chat, not only about his designs and creations, but his mother’s cooking.

Ultimately, after much deliberation, I decided to go with colors that I wear more often, and designs that were just more “me”. Mum bought me a bag with a second “flap” so now I have two new bags!

Pierangelo Masciadri and Christina Conte

Here is Mum with Pierangelo and his daughter, who also works with him (as does his other daughter). If you’re interested in Pierangelo’s bags, ties, scarves or shoes, you can see more and even order them online. Thanks, Mum! I love my bag(s) from Arte e Moda!

Pierangelo's shop in Bellagio

Reluctantly, we checked out of the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni. I could easily have stayed for a month–wait, what am I saying? Months on end is more like it. I didn’t even mention that there is a spa, gym and tennis courts at the hotel.

Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni panoramic view

The valet brought us our car and we were on our way to Zurich. See the link below to continue…

Our rental car at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

If you ever get the opportunity, or make plans to go to Northern Italy, or anywhere nearby, I highly recommend the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni. Even though the GHVS is a 5 star hotel, I believe it is more reasonable than many other 5 star hotels in the US, especially given its top location. You can even just go for a beautiful lunch or dinner.

Please visit the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni for more photos, facts or to make a reservation.

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NEXT POST: Zürich, Switzerland, a Stay at the Superb Hotel Schweizerhof

Disclosure: my car rental was sponsored by Auto Europe and travel insurance by Travelex. These both brands I have used and loved in the past. Thank you to the Bucher Family for hosting my mother and me for bed and breakfast at their exquisite hotel. No conditions were made for positive reviews and all opinions are always my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC regulations.

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